Showing posts with label Chuck Smith. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chuck Smith. Show all posts

Saturday, September 10, 2022

4th level of consciousness

 April 29, 2020

Update to they Q'ero Prophecy

  • We choose love over fear
  • We take responsibility for our lives (no victims)
  • Own our shadow, don’t project in others 
  • Stabilize our energetic field with the planet
  • Reject no one 
  • Eat all Hucha
  • Fear nothing

The prophecy in full was held by Don Andres Espinoza of Q’eros and Don Benito Qoriwaman of Wasao it was recovered by Juan Nuñez Del Prado. 

The prophecy says: when the Q’ero see the signs in the mountains of receding snows the PACHACUTI (reversal of world order) will begin. This happened in January of 1990. The Prophecy is participatory and energetic so it is changed by how we change.

When enough people (like a critical mass) arrive to the 4th level this will create the energetic womb for the fifth level initiates to emerge. Fifth level initiates can heal every illness every time with one touch. 12 of the will emerge and join together to perform the Mosoq Qarpay (New Initiation) to bring about the sixth level initiates, enlightened leaders who literally shine with their own light. The enlightened Couple will restore the world of humanity to harmony with Nature. The Return of the Sapa Inka and Sapa Qoya. 

Now what does it mean to arrive to the 4th level? It means we choose Love over Fear every time.

We take responsibility for our lives ~ no more victims. We own our shadow and no longer project it onto others. It means we stabilise the resonant field of our bubble with the entire planetary field. We are inclusive, we reject no one, we can eat every Hoocha and fear none. Examples of humans fully arrived to 4th level are few. The 4th level refers to an initiation in which you release your human mom and dad and receive Pachamama and Inti Tayta as your mother and father and all humans become your literal brothers and sisters. That would be full attainment of the 4th level.

Some who knew Don Benito say he told them that a fifth level initiate could simply walk into a room (for example the United Nations) and conflicts would find resolution just by the impact of her field. At the fourth level we can walk into any church, synagogue, mosque, temple and feel the same devotion because we directly connect with the living energy of the divine, no matter the form. There are no more religious wars at the fourth level....The Fourth Level Initiate creates connection and harmony. New solutions appear at the fourth level that were not available to the thinking of the 3rd level. The Fourth Level is the Inka measure of an adult.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Divine Unity

(balance between seen and unseen)

Half Truths

The path towards unity requires that we let go of right or wrong  (judgment) of how things look in the physical world.  That is what creates separation. We must replace Judgment with Compassion.

The challenge for all of humanity is if we no longer use judgment, then what is the measure for our decisions.  Judgment means that we are making our decisions that are creating our experiences by starting with how it looks in the physical world, the seen.  That is where we are now.  That is the age of Pisces.  That is dark.

What we must be able to do, is to stop judging and begin to have compassion and to use the unseen energy that we want to be underneath to make our decisions from.

So we no longer will measure (weigh) our decisions based on how we want things to look, we will measure (weight) them based on how we want them to feel (Unity).  What we want them to contain in the unseen which is what gives them their true value.

The movement from Mu, two went east,, two went west.  From Mu (1), split east west, then east split in 2, and west split in 2.  Then split to 8.  Then to 1 again.  From 1 to 2 to 4 to 8, to 1 again.

Tal and I met today (July 25, 2015) and she came up with an example to help illustrate the life cycle of Mother/father Earth.  Using the analogy of a child that grows up and is nurtured and learns from the culture of its family but then goes out into the world and releases the structure and learns how to express their individual dream and self.  Then as they grow older, they begin to appreciate and remember the beauty of what they had learned, add it the the beauty that they learned on their own individual journey, and then bring it back into their family when they raise their own children.  That’s where we are now in the bigger life cycle of Mother/father Earth, we are now bringing back all the things we learned as individuals so that this can be renewed in another “family”.  It is all about family values.

It’s important to have the opportunity to express, separate from the family, in order to create new things and not only repeat existing patterns.  You must remember the beauty of the past without being limited by it.  You must also always have your eye on the future, on the destination and be aware when it shifts.

Monday, September 30, 2019

Energetic Building Blocks

So much of our life experience up to this point, has been from creating from the importance of the physical outcome.  Most of the collective consciousness and therefore most of humanity, still creates by giving value to the physical form.

In order to try to break that habitual pattern, it can be helpful to use the concept of energetic building blocks.  Then you can give the value first to the energy you want to bring into your creation, not what you are creating.

This builds upon the concept of looking at the world through the perspective of living energy.  You are able to create things in your life, that have the unseen value that you wish to bring into this world.  You are no longer distracted by feeling that you need to, or should, create those things in the physical that the culture or family has told you are needed for you to be happy.

Your day then becomes a journey where you are following the living energy, the spirit, and allow the manifestation to flow easily and effortlessly, aligned with life, with pachamama.

I encourage you to identify the feeling, or essence of things, that you feel are missing in your life and that you want to begin to experience more of.  I like to choose three feelings that when you feel them, make you feel happy and whole.  They make you smile.

Fun, Easy, and Free
Love, Laughter, Ease
Balance, Peace, and Joy

The actual words do not matter.  They will be the words that help you to feel that feeling of happiness and balance in your life.  They usually are the things that you think are missing in your life and that you want more of.

They actually are always present and all around you.  It is just that you have not chosen to include them in your artistic creation of your daily experience.

So choose three feelings (words) that you want to feel in your day and make them your energetic building blocks.  Then choose the things you want to do that day and make sure they contain these energetic building blocks.

If you ever feel in conflict or are not happy with anything in your day, stop and ask yourself how you can shift your consciousness (think differently about the situation) in order to feel those building blocks.

If you have an important decision or choice to make, do not make it, unless you can do it while feeling those three energetic building blocks are present.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


The truth of who we really are has been lost in the womb of culture. We must now understand the womb of culture and change how we create in the physical world.

The secrets that we seek are buried in the traditions of our past. The complexity and hopelessness that has evolved within society melt away as we begin to remember the simplicity of our nature and begin to see what life really is.

Our search, our journey, our experience, doesn’t really begin until we examine the following questions:

Who am I?
What am I?
What is life?
What do I want from life?

Only then can we uncover the sacred self and begin to understand the creation process here in the physical plane, so that we can create our future in alignment with our true self.

Thursday, December 22, 2011


The major difference between mankind and the animal kingdom is free will or volition.

Instead of asking “Why did this happen to me?” we should ask, “Why did this happen for me?”

The only creative process there has ever been, is now, or evermore shall be is thinking.

I find it very interesting as I reflect on these three statements, how many people don’t really understand how they create their life experience. For the most part, humanity actually does function more like animals because they don’t understand how their mind functions.

Everything in our life experience is created by our mind. However, most people don’t understand how the mind works and how it creates. When you are not balanced, then you are not able to make choices or to exercise your free will. You are not able to think clearly and make decisions that will create your life experience. Therefore, you are left with a life by default, driven by past experiences and current challenges, versus freely choosing the life you desire.

When someone does gain an understanding of how the mind creates, then looking at the challenges that come our way, actually allows us to Self Teach, and to grow from each experience. Those things that happen “for us” are actually generated by the part of our mind, which is out of balance. There is a direct relationship between the nature and intensity of what is out of balance in our mind, with the external experience we have created before us.

It’s fascinating once you begin to see and understand the pattern of how the mind creates. All the teachings and philosophies that you have learned all of sudden can be applied versus just learned. That not only applies to the spiritual philosophies, it also applies to any type of training related to career and personal growth as well. As we understand the pattern of the mind and the laws from which decisions are made, we are then able to ensure that we are using the laws that will create the life experience we desire and that we do so from a balanced perspective.

Monday, October 24, 2011


As the physical world changes, we will change with it. It's always the balance between our perception of the energetic and the physical that is important. When our perception of things gets out of balance is when we may have difficulty maintaining our desired vibration. That's why I always find it helpful to look at things from an energetic perspective and a physical world perspective simultaneously and look for the perception which allows me to maintain my desired vibration. As the physical world changes, then my actions will remain vibrationally balanced.

As long as we are in a physical world experience, then I'm not sure the aspects of perception and perspective will ever go away. That is what brings the richness to our experience. Feeling that we need to do what is "right" implies that there is right or wrong. In the physical world "right" is relative to a perspective and other energetic entities may have different perspectives and different relative ideas of "right". The harmony in the world will come from understanding and honoring the multiplicity of consciousness, relaxing judgement on others and ourselves, and allowing the multiple perspectives to all have equal weight, and most importantly being sure to honor and respect our own perspective.

Saturday, October 15, 2011


We know that to create in an easy and effortless way, we as individuals need to be in balance.

We need balance to walk a life in alignment. As we talk about and try to understand what balance is, we can say that balance equals beauty.

So then what is beauty? This definition says it all.

beau·ty [byoo-tee] noun, plural -ties.
1. the quality present in a thing or person that gives intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind, whether arising from sensory manifestations (as shape, color, sound, etc.), a meaningful design or pattern, or something else (as a personality in which high spiritual qualities are manifest).

As with tires on a car, we first balance the individual tire, then, after we put the tires on the car, we align the car and the tires so that the car rolls easily and effortlessly. That is how it is with life. We must first balance our self, then, look to align ourselves with other people and things in our life so that we find beauty (balance) in all that we do.

Everything we experience is a reflection of our mind. Our definition of beauty is relative to our mind, and therefore individualized to each of us differently. Balance is different for every person based on who they are, their true self, and based on their circumstances…what things around them are they are trying to align.

We know we are not in balance if we are not producing the results we want in the physical world and/or we are not achieving the feeling we want to be having in our life experience.