Showing posts with label Path of Gold Horse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Path of Gold Horse. Show all posts

Sunday, September 25, 2022

Path of the Gold Horse

 There is nothing in the way.  

I have chosen this path.  This path makes me happy.  

The path of the Gold horse - Opening the portal.  

Everything I do with the circle is a reflection of my choices on my path.  100% the effect of my catalyst/choice. I invite others within the circle to choose for themselves freely and to reap the joy.  

Release all need to conform, all pretense, and all fear. 

It is time for peace, joy, and universal harmony.  The coming together in spirit, adding the flavor of the physical, on our journey home.   

Reduce reliance on tools, build reliance on self.  Self soothing, self satisfying, self validating.  

2020 is the year to free the will, so the choice of 2021 will be a clear reflection of our inner God-like nature.    

Free the will through: 

  • understanding the role of will in creation

  • understanding the two types of will

  • becoming aware of when you are using which type of will

  • beginning to shift to a conscious, aligned way of creating whenever possible

2021 is the year to begin creating together.  The foundation for creating together is Compassion (Honesty, Equality, Tranquility, and Humility) and Unity (Wisdom, Strength, Compassion, Understanding).

Compassion frees the will.  Judgment binds the will. 

The Circle of Law will be important once the foundation is set in the next cycle (2021-2024).  

The Trinity of the Horse Race:

Dec 21, 2012 to Dec 20, 2016:  Unwinding (undoing) of making the physical most important

Dec 21, 2016 to Dec 20, 2020:  Winding (doing) of making the spiritual most important

Dec 21, 2020 to Dec 20, 2024:  Laying the foundation to make both the physical and the spiritual both equally important, but the sequence of creation being Spiritual first, then Physical.  

The foundation that we lay in the third cycle of the trinity will be using a spiritual measure as the beginning of the creation process, instead of a physical measure.  

Rainbow Warriors or Soldiers of Light (or whatever we want to call ourselves) are marching forward through aligned creation, the more we create aligned with life, the wider the portal becomes.  

Mechanical will is always triggered when judgment energy is felt.  Judgment energy (ours or anyone else’s) will immediately trigger us into the mechanical will (old pattern) unless we consciously stop it.  

Conscious will is always inspired when compassion energy is felt.  Compassion energy (ours or anyone else’s) naturally activates Conscious Will.  

Embrace the sameness and stand in wonder of the differences we see around us.  

Seeing the interconnectedness of life allows us to hold compassion and vice-a-versa, holding compassion allows us to see the interconnectedness of life.  

With compassion, we travel the energetic grid of life.  All paths are open, will is free, joy abounds, and creation is energy efficient.