The Prophecy of the Eagle and the Condor

There are a few different versions of this prophecy but what is consistent in most versions is:

When the Eagle of North America and the Condor of South America fly together, the spirit of peace will awaken on Earth.

Many images and drawings of this prophecy include the Quetzal flying between them.

Some say that the Quetzal is the offspring of the Eagle and Condor, representing the balancing of the masculine and the feminine within the collective consciousness.

I believe it is a key to bringing about the shift, and can also be seen as the beauty that is the offspring.

Change always comes from within us, not outside of us. I believe that the Condor represents the feminine aspects of the heart as held in the Andean cosmology, the Eagle represents the masculine aspects of the mind as held in the Mayan Medicine Wheels, and the Quetzal represents the key to balancing them as held in the Toltec Wisdom.

It is my belief that in the exploration of the Condor, the Eagle, and the Quetzal, that we will begin to understand how to energetically shift the polarities of our collective consciousness, and thereby flood Pachamama (mother earth) with light (wisdom) needed to guide us into this New Age.

In this Age of Aquarius, this age of light, we will be able to honor and respect the absolute alignment of our sacred self, and begin to live our Life In Alignment with Pachamama.