Showing posts with label Mission/Vision. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mission/Vision. Show all posts

Sunday, September 25, 2022

Sacred Action - Mission/Vision

To honor the sacredness of life both individually and collectively, we must measure our learning not by the physical shape it assumes, but by the unity it fosters in all things, and all experiences.  Our accountability to the sacredness of all life engenders both individual and collective unity simultaneously.  This unity in turn sparks the desire to perform Sacred Service, programs that will support our own learning and that of others, building unity for all.  We achieve reciprocity with the sacredness of life by surrendering our attachment to our old stories and embracing the new stories that are possible when our choices are in alignment with our authentic selves. 

We are supporting and nurturing the unification of the individuals’ physical experience with their expression of their authentic self, through the reflection provided by our collective experience of community.  

The simple vision is UNITY.  The simple container holding the energy is UNITY.  So if ever there is doubt or fear, look for how the experience you are creating, can foster unity individually and collectively.  Remember the purpose of the VISION is to remind us of what we are moving towards.  It is our destination.  

When our backbone disappears and we begin to stagnate and suffer, it is because we have lost the connection of our authentic selves to the experiences we are creating (the decisions being made are being made relative to the physical world, which is temporary, and not against the container of UNITY, which is a reflection of spirit and is absolute).  

When we struggle to create as a group, the group has lost the focus of UNITY, and compassion has been lost (the decisions being made are being made relative to the physical world, which is temporary, and not against the container of UNITY, which is a reflection of spirit and is absolute).  

UNITY is living our Life in Alignment.  It is the unification of our twin-ness.  It is the honoring and balancing of the masculine and feminine aspects of life within us, and outside of us concurrently.  

Celestial Hearts nurtures the understanding of UNITY through compassionate accountability to the creation of UNITY in all of our experiences, both individual and collective.   

Unity of the individual, Unity of the family, Unity of the group, Unity of the community....Unity of  all Humanity.  


It is important to remember that this is not a linear progression, yet one that progresses both linearly and circularly simultaneously.  We learn in both sides of our twin-ness and bring the learning from one side, back to the other, and vice versa, over and over and over again.  

We cannot understand ourselves, without understanding the collective.  We cannot understand the collective until we understand ourselves.  

Within Sacred Action will be many physical manifestations that will all reflect UNITY.