Saturday, September 10, 2022

4th level of consciousness

 April 29, 2020

Update to they Q'ero Prophecy

  • We choose love over fear
  • We take responsibility for our lives (no victims)
  • Own our shadow, don’t project in others 
  • Stabilize our energetic field with the planet
  • Reject no one 
  • Eat all Hucha
  • Fear nothing

The prophecy in full was held by Don Andres Espinoza of Q’eros and Don Benito Qoriwaman of Wasao it was recovered by Juan Nuñez Del Prado. 

The prophecy says: when the Q’ero see the signs in the mountains of receding snows the PACHACUTI (reversal of world order) will begin. This happened in January of 1990. The Prophecy is participatory and energetic so it is changed by how we change.

When enough people (like a critical mass) arrive to the 4th level this will create the energetic womb for the fifth level initiates to emerge. Fifth level initiates can heal every illness every time with one touch. 12 of the will emerge and join together to perform the Mosoq Qarpay (New Initiation) to bring about the sixth level initiates, enlightened leaders who literally shine with their own light. The enlightened Couple will restore the world of humanity to harmony with Nature. The Return of the Sapa Inka and Sapa Qoya. 

Now what does it mean to arrive to the 4th level? It means we choose Love over Fear every time.

We take responsibility for our lives ~ no more victims. We own our shadow and no longer project it onto others. It means we stabilise the resonant field of our bubble with the entire planetary field. We are inclusive, we reject no one, we can eat every Hoocha and fear none. Examples of humans fully arrived to 4th level are few. The 4th level refers to an initiation in which you release your human mom and dad and receive Pachamama and Inti Tayta as your mother and father and all humans become your literal brothers and sisters. That would be full attainment of the 4th level.

Some who knew Don Benito say he told them that a fifth level initiate could simply walk into a room (for example the United Nations) and conflicts would find resolution just by the impact of her field. At the fourth level we can walk into any church, synagogue, mosque, temple and feel the same devotion because we directly connect with the living energy of the divine, no matter the form. There are no more religious wars at the fourth level....The Fourth Level Initiate creates connection and harmony. New solutions appear at the fourth level that were not available to the thinking of the 3rd level. The Fourth Level is the Inka measure of an adult.