Sunday, September 25, 2022

Update to the Q'ero Prophecy

  • We choose love over fear
  • We take responsibility for our lives (no victims)
  • Own our shadow, don’t project in others 
  • Stabilize our energetic field with the planet
  • Reject no one 
  • Eat all Hucha
  • Fear nothing


The prophecy in full was held by Don Andres Espinoza of Q’eros and Don Benito Qoriwaman of Wasao it was recovered by Juan Nuñez Del Prado. 


The prophecy says: when the Q’ero see the signs in the mountains of receding snows the PACHACUTI (reversal of world order) will begin. This happened in January of 1990. The Prophecy is participatory and energetic so it is changed by how we change.


When enough people (like a critical mass) arrive to the 4th level this will create the energetic womb for the fifth level initiates to emerge. Fifth level initiates can heal every illness every time with one touch. 12 of the will emerge and join together to perform the Mosoq Qarpay (New Initiation) to bring about the sixth level initiates, enlightened leaders who literally shine with their own light. The enlightened Couple will restore the world of humanity to harmony with Nature. The Return of the Sapa Inka and Sapa Qoya. 


Now what does it mean to arrive to the 4th level? It means we choose Love over Fear every time.


We take responsibility for our lives ~ no more victims. We own our shadow and no longer project it onto others. It means we stabilize the resonant field of our bubble with the entire planetary field. We are inclusive, we reject no one, we can eat every Hoocha and fear none. Examples of humans fully arrived to 4th level are few. The 4th level refers to an initiation in which you release your human mom and dad and receive Pachamama and Inti Tayta as your mother and father and all humans become your literal brothers and sisters. That would be full attainment of the 4th level.


Some who knew Don Benito say he told them that a fifth level initiate could simply walk into a room (for example the United Nations) and conflicts would find resolution just by the impact of her field. At the fourth level we can walk into any church, synagogue, mosque, temple and feel the same devotion because we directly connect with the living energy of the divine, no matter the form. There are no more religious wars at the fourth level....The Fourth Level Initiate creates connection and harmony. New solutions appear at the fourth level that were not available to the thinking of the 3rd level. The Fourth Level is the Inka measure of an adult.

Saturday, September 10, 2022


 What is freedom?  True freedom comes from within each one of us.  We will not have freedom individually until all of us are free within to align our individualized expression with the Inti Spirit, God within us.  

What keeps us from doing that?  For each of us, it may look different, but I think at the root, it is the same.  

1.  We have become disconnected from the Wisdom of our Heart, (Inti, Spirit, God). 
2.  We have forgotten how to be strong and to follow our heart. 
3.  We have lost respect for ourselves and others
4.  We have failed to look for the understanding of what is absolutely real underneath everything.  (There is no right or wrong, but there is alignment with our true self that we can use as a guide in our daily actions.)

What do we do now?

The first thing we must do it to be honest with what we are creating in this world.  For most people, it is not what they say they want in this world.  As long as we pretend, we delay changing what needs to be changed to find true results.  

Our mind is powerful and can try to convince us of many things that aren’t really true.  We justify, we interpret, we tell ourselves we are working on it, we blame others for their impact on our lives (while telling ourselves we aren’t a vicim)…  

Do we really understand what needs to be done?  

Peace, balance, and harmony are found by creating unity for ourselves in this physical world.  Unity between our spiritual nature and the creation of our physical experience.  

That is done through the balancing:

1.  Wisdom
2.  Strength
3.  Respect
4.  Understanding

Balance these four energies, while maintaining an environment of safety and unconditional love, and you begin to learn how to create beauty in the physical world.  This is the root of ancient wisdom.  It is simple basic values that we must return to in order to find freedom.  

So many people are learning more and more about their spirituality which is a good thing, but it doesn’t help us here on Mother Earth unless we begin to learn about our physicality and how we can create the image of spirit, here on earth.  

We must honor and respect both our spiritual nature and our physical nature EQUALLY.  Until we can understand the connection and value of both for us, then we will never truly find the unity, peace, and harmony we are looking for.  

Please take this weekend to reflect on how honest we are with ourselves about what we are creating, and see if now is the time to commit to re-discovering freedom within ourselves.  

This is the point of beginning for us all...

Live Life from Your Heart with Passion and Purpose!

You Must See it to Unsee It

 The phrase "You must see it to unsee it" is something that I came up with to help people understand how to approach sin in our lives.  I still remember Reverend Mary sitting in our field at the ranch in Monroe and talking about how sometimes we just get things twisted.  The application of "new thought/ancient wisdom" principles is simply about untwisting the beliefs/thoughts that we have twisted.  

I have found myself being asked many times "how" to apply these principles.  In the answering of this question for others, I learned for myself how elusive sin can be for all of us.  Healing of disease and sickness is easier for me than sin.  Disease and sickness is very clearly UNaligned with the absolute truth of myself that I "know".  I am vigilant to "untwist" my thoughts/beliefs when I see disease or sickness in my life.  

The challenge comes when treating sin.  Sin can be elusive and hidden.  Our mortal mind is constantly trying to convince us that our sin is aligned.  We have so many things in the physical experience that we use to justify our sin (arguing for our wrongness).  For me, sin is merely the illusion of being disconnected from our absolute nature, from the stillpoint.  Shifting the thoughts/beliefs that create that illusion can be difficult when we use the relative truth we have created to "veil" it.  Sometimes it is easier for us to see that false belief and then dismantle it, returning it into the nothingness from whence it came.  It is not real, but only a temporal illusion.  

There are two paths to the absolute truth, as there are always two paths in anything that we do.  These paths are talked about in all the ancient wisdom and esoteric teachings, although sometimes hidden.  There is a direct path of unification with God, and there is the indirect path along the sacred curve.  

The magnetism of race consciousness has made the direct path difficult for many seekers of truth.  Their memory of how it feels to be unified with God is too dim for them to connect at this level without help.  Even with the help, the grip of this magnetism still may still be difficult for them to break free and allow the consciousness to untwist and re-align.  Ultimately, this journey along the sacred curve is about free will, so each of us must freely choose to align.  

That is why in some situations it is wise to be open to both paths, whichever helps us get to the absolute nature of ourselves the quickest.  That indirect path is the one that says "You Must See it to Unsee It", or you must see it to untwist it.  You must expose the sin, unmask it, without giving belief to the reality of that sin.  That can be tricky but there is so much learning and personal growth that occurs by taking this path.  It can be so beautiful.  

The use of the direct path is how we began this journey as humans here on earth, and it is also how we will end our journey as humans here on earth.  The journey along this sacred curve is part of the divine plan for humanity.   There is nothing right nor wrong.  Either path helps us reach our destination and in the eyes of the absolute, the two paths are really the same path.  The direct path connects us to "All", and the indirect path helps us to learn all we need to learn to connect to "All".  God's ultimate wisdom and compassion are always present, always guiding us no matter which path we choose or how often we move back and forth.  The ultimate paradox is that all paths lead to God AND there is only one path.  

How incredibly blessed we are to be asked to participate in this journey where we are always loved, safe, and guided.  We don't even need to understand any of this.  This happens with or without our conscious understanding.  Life is a gift. 

With much love....Chuck

P.S.  I have attached some excerpts from Mary Baker Eddy's "Science and Health", from the chapter on "Teaching Christian Science", that talk about how to help students learn the spirit of these principles, not just the letter of them.  If anyone has any interest in talking about these concepts, sharing thoughts and ideas, I would love to participate.  The challenge is always in how to live these principles.  Each of us has a point of view that makes up the whole and healing comes when we have the opportunity to share.  

Ignorance, subtlety, or false charity does not forever conceal error; evil will in time disclose and punish itself. The recuperative action of thesystem, when mentally sustained by Truth,goes on naturally. When sin or sickness —the reverse of harmony — seems true to material sense,impart without frightening or discouraging the patient the truth and spiritual understanding, which destroy disease. Expose and denounce the claims ofevil and disease in all their forms, but realize noreality in them. A sinner is not reformed merelyby assuring him that he cannot be a sinner becausethere is no sin. To put down the claim of sin,you must detect it, remove the mask, point out theillusion, and thus get the victory over sin and so proveits unreality. The sick are not healed merely bydeclaring there is no sickness, but by knowing thatthere is none.

4th level of consciousness

 April 29, 2020

Update to they Q'ero Prophecy

  • We choose love over fear
  • We take responsibility for our lives (no victims)
  • Own our shadow, don’t project in others 
  • Stabilize our energetic field with the planet
  • Reject no one 
  • Eat all Hucha
  • Fear nothing

The prophecy in full was held by Don Andres Espinoza of Q’eros and Don Benito Qoriwaman of Wasao it was recovered by Juan Nuñez Del Prado. 

The prophecy says: when the Q’ero see the signs in the mountains of receding snows the PACHACUTI (reversal of world order) will begin. This happened in January of 1990. The Prophecy is participatory and energetic so it is changed by how we change.

When enough people (like a critical mass) arrive to the 4th level this will create the energetic womb for the fifth level initiates to emerge. Fifth level initiates can heal every illness every time with one touch. 12 of the will emerge and join together to perform the Mosoq Qarpay (New Initiation) to bring about the sixth level initiates, enlightened leaders who literally shine with their own light. The enlightened Couple will restore the world of humanity to harmony with Nature. The Return of the Sapa Inka and Sapa Qoya. 

Now what does it mean to arrive to the 4th level? It means we choose Love over Fear every time.

We take responsibility for our lives ~ no more victims. We own our shadow and no longer project it onto others. It means we stabilise the resonant field of our bubble with the entire planetary field. We are inclusive, we reject no one, we can eat every Hoocha and fear none. Examples of humans fully arrived to 4th level are few. The 4th level refers to an initiation in which you release your human mom and dad and receive Pachamama and Inti Tayta as your mother and father and all humans become your literal brothers and sisters. That would be full attainment of the 4th level.

Some who knew Don Benito say he told them that a fifth level initiate could simply walk into a room (for example the United Nations) and conflicts would find resolution just by the impact of her field. At the fourth level we can walk into any church, synagogue, mosque, temple and feel the same devotion because we directly connect with the living energy of the divine, no matter the form. There are no more religious wars at the fourth level....The Fourth Level Initiate creates connection and harmony. New solutions appear at the fourth level that were not available to the thinking of the 3rd level. The Fourth Level is the Inka measure of an adult.