Sunday, September 25, 2022

What Triggers Me

 If I were to look at the root cause of what triggers me into fear, into my old law, it is always when the balance and peace that I have established looks like it is threatened.  

This highlights my attachment to having things “Right”, versus attaching to being a good sailor and being able to sail through any type of weather.  That shifts my measure and also gives me complete control over my experience which is what we are trying to do.  

Trying to have control of the physical isn’t possible and physical is getting less and less stable.  This undermines our confidence, our backbone, our strength and we give our power away.  

I am changing my measure to be focused on my ability to sail, so that I can actually become a thrill seeker and sail into the storm in order to get better and better at sailing.  

Sailing is the metaphor for honoring the 2 sacred laws of creation.