Sunday, June 16, 2024

Preparing for the August 2024 Retreat

June 16, 2024

In preparation for the upcoming retreat, I think it is a good time to begin to shift some of the lanaguage around what we are currently working towards.  Increase our awareness on how often we tell the story that we are disconnected, afraid and alone.  

As we become more aware of what we are "thinking" and begin to check to see if what we think we are thinking is also what we are "saying" and "doing", we can begin to use the 2 Laws of Sacred Creation from the Native Americans Cosmology that was brought from Mu.  

What you are honestly thinking is what is reflected into your physical experience.  It is what you see around you in others, and it is a reflection of the thoughts you are holding.  All creation is birthed from what you are thinking.  In the darkness, we lost the honesty that is needed as the first step in all sacred creation.  As we move more into this new age of light, it requires our search focus on honesty and alignment.  

So the first challenge is for all of us to stop thinking and saying that we are disconnected.  The more we say it, the more we make it true.  Do we belief we are ever disconnected?  I don't.  

Whenever you are feeling uncomfortable, angry, conflicted, anxious, scared, alone ...

Instead of sinking into that lower vibration, think and say something like ... I did not choose to create from my connection to the divine energy of unconditional love.  Now, I will create from my connection to the divine energy of unconditional love.  

This affirms that you are always connected but in that moment did not choose to create from that connection.  

Until we are honestly choosing the cause of our creation to be that of unconditional love, then we are choosing the cause to be the absence of love (fear).   

The second challenge is to stop saying I am making progress, it's better than it was, etc.  Those are all ways we are not being honest about what we are creating from.  We don't want to be honest about it the fact that it is either love or fear.  There is no in-between.  Causation is not grey.  It is either black or it is white.  Grey comes in the coloring we choose to add in the physical.  It is not part of causation.  Anything in between black and white is an elaborate story we create to justify continuing to choose fear.  

Honesty shows us that we are either creating from love, or we are not.  That is 100% responsibility for our experience.  That is the ultimate power to be the architect of our lives.  


June 23, 2024

The following is an accumulation of text "thoughts" shared with individuals and LIA text thread.  

Charles Smith:

Great opportunity for you to remember your own power and greatness.  I know who you are and what you are capable of.   You got this.  You will always do your best and that is always good enough.  Love you.  

Katherine Vega:

Love you too!

Charles Smith:

Compassion means to be WITH the suffering, not to resolve it.   Just be with her energetically and she will find her way.   

There is nothing to do but to be love and compassion.  Open up the floodgates of that beautiful energy and bring it in.  Let everything flow and take shape as it needs to.  Just anchor into the love.  There is nothing wrong.  It's happening the way it needs to happen.   Be at peace with it, as much as you can.  

Katherine Vega:

I laugh because my pretending is to resolve. 

I think I am a solver

Charles Smith:

The 'dark' understanding for compassion is to relief the suffering in the physical.   The 'light' understanding of compassion is to be with it and honor all of life.  

Your power is in who you are, not what you do.   

Katherine Vega:

This applies to all

Charles Smith:

Go into her energy and help her feel comfortable with either choice, staying or going.    Help her to feel at peace to choose when she is ready.  Be with her in her suffering and be with her in her joy.  


Come into the light, and be with her suffering.  Be with the suffering of the world.  Be free to be you.  

You do not need to hide any more.  It is safe to come out and play.  

Katherine Vega:

Be with the suffering of the world just gave me chills

Charles Smith:

That is why you are here.  It is your purpose.   

Katherine Vega:

Allowing choice is huge too! 

Charles Smith:

Compassion frees us all to choose.  Without it we feel we must suffer and have no choice.  

Katherine Vega:

Ok so that thought leads to self compassion

When do I have it and when do I lose it. 

Charles Smith:

Whenever you are suffering, you lost it.   When you are in joy, you have it. 

We can always choose joy, but first we must have self compassion.  

Katherine Vega:

That is the portal to choose. This is why I feel like I can't choose at times. I have lost self compassion. 

Charles Smith:

In the end he apologized.   

Andrea Gonzalez:

Wow. You’re my hero! 

Charles Smith:

Since I was clear and honest.   I was in my power.   It gave him space to look at what was really going on.  

Andrea Gonzalez:

Ooooohh. Yes. 

I THINK something similar happened with dad but much smaller scale. 

He came to me and tried to manipulate and blame me and I said “if that’s what you want to think, that’s your choice but no that’s not my truth” and he exploded and then I just didn’t respond.  

I can’t quite be clear on it all. Because idk if I was in love because I just felt so strong “fuck u with love” you’re not going to do that to me. But idk. Is that fear love? This is where my head spins. 


“ From Tribal Whispers:  "Ideally, a balance should be found between two energies, and this is what the Full Moon invites us to do. The moon is illuminated in the house of Capricorn and tells us something has been building inside of us, and now is the time when cosmos demands that we let it out but be gentle in how you release this." ”

Charles Smith:

To me, this is our universal purpose.    Balancing between two energies.   That is what we were born to do.  When we focus on that, we find unlimited possibilities of authentic expression.  Everything else is fine tuning the process as we understand more about life.  What it is, who we are, and what we want to create.   

Donna Sadler:

And we know when we are out of balance so acutely

Charles Smith:

Yes.  If we are humble enough to allow the honesty.   

If not, we pretend, rationalize and justify.   

Yes.  Humility is the path.   

In many ways, compassion is surrendering all attachment to the physical world.  It ends our suffering and allows us to flow into this new age of Aquarius.  

Honesty, equality, tranquility, and humility.   


From some old notes that Donna took at one of our meetings:  

Our old law is our absence from the moment.  We become victims.  We rely on our old laws.  Our absence becomes our presence.  Compassion allows us to see clearly and to free our will.  When one becomes uncomfortable, you know you are out of alignment!  Need to un-ask the question....Must have balance and responsibility of change to be present!  Once the awareness shifts, will allow the collective to shift---that is why community is so important----we reflect the truth to each other.   One of the biggest places we hide in is in our "wrongness" -----

When we are in hell, it's because we have chosen it.  Compassion is honesty---nothing needs to shift and change!  Choose to be present rather than absent.  When one has compassion,  one is in the grace of God.  In grace, all things are clear.  All solutions are clear.  We have to take responsibility to choose our response and not judge others in exchanges we have.  Honesty is the first stop in the E in the Compassion wheel! Default in the collective is to ignore that something is here.  Honesty is in the East, Equality in the W., Tranquility in the S., and Humility in the N.  Center is compassion = Chuck!  Unity wheel is Honesty in the E (Wisdom - Intuitive), in the W is strength, in the S is Compassion (respect) adn in the N is Understanding.  


Thoughts 7/1/2024

Whenever I begin to work to build, strengthen, expand, etc the masculine container of creation, it becomes very clear that this is not the most effective or efficient way to nurture change in this world.  

It seems like no matter what we do with the masculine container/creation, it just comes full circle back to the place that we began.  Nothing actually changes.  

As we get closer to the retreat, the intensity of my knowing that the focus must be on the energy of our origin and the container to hold that.  Beginning from within each of us individually and then collectively.  

My experiences are all showing me that we must be aware of the container we are holding on the feminine side and what energy we are filling it with.  

1. Clarity/Awareness/Honesty/Humility....

2.  Source/Cause....

3.  Strengthen the feminine container....

Seeing the world through the eyes of the Kausay Pacha, the living energy, increasing our awareness on how energy moves in our physical reality will help us make more aligned choices.  So we can choose the source or cause that wish to create from versus defaulting it to the collective energy around us.  

When energy is moving around us in a conflicting way to what we want to create, we have 3 choices of how to interact with the energy.  We can reflect that energy back (this is the most common, we call it a reaction, fight response), we can absorb it (becoming the victim and invoking a flight response), or we can transmute it by strengthening our feminine container and doing nothing to violate the energy we have chosen to hold there (transcend).  As long as we are clear on our container, and then fill that container with the aligned energy, that is the ultimate and only true power and that transmute everything around it, into alignment.  


Text Conversation with Kathy as she's spending the final moments with her Mom.  

Charles Smith:

I don’t think you need to know why.   I don’t think we ever need to understand for ourselves or others.   The need to understand is what keeps us from moving.  I am not sure what is going on is physical anymore.   

The spirit and physical energies are rebalancing, naturally.   The most helpful thing is to just wrap her in a warm burrito and be with her.   

Katherine Vega:

Ok so let go of my need to understand 

Charles Smith:

You are not on this earth to fix anything.  You are on this earth to hold strong to the absolute truth of spirit so others can resolve their own energetic conflicts.  

Set her free to choose.   Support her free will and let her work through these last few things so she doesn’t take them with her.  This time now in the physical will save her from having to do this after her transition when it will be harder.  

Katherine Vega:

Just be

Charles Smith:

Be at peace and know that all is well.   

Katherine Vega:

It is hard to listen to the suffering 

I thought we were past it 

Charles Smith:

Suffering is not a bad thing.  Shift your thought on that or you will not be at peace yourself.   You can’t support anyone if you are not at peace.  

Katherine Vega:

Right ok

It is about mw


Charles Smith:

Yes.   It is always about you.  

She is resolving what she can.  She is also taking a lot with her to be resolved in another way.   The suffering is a tool which helps us.  This physical world is not here to punish us or to suffer in, it is one that is defined in a way that helps us learn.  Making the suffering bad keeps us in the dark.   Seeing everything as good, accepting everything, allows us to walk in the light.  

As a rainbow warrior, you are constantly pushing against the urge to succumb to the darkness.    When you want to just surrender and remember that there is only light.   The darkness is not real.   

This is where you want to see beyond the physical.  Which is looking beyond the present.  

This is not about what we are creating.  This is about who we really are.   That transcends time and space.  

Thank you again for allowing me to be a part of this.  This is so helpful in my learning.   I am applying these truths to my current physical experience as well.  


7/13/2024 Preparing for the Circle Meeting (and the retreat in August)


When the Eagle and the Condor fly together there will be Peace.  

All creation is birthed of Woman and do nothing to harm the child.  

Sacred creation begins with spirit and then we create a container to hold that spirit.  That is the center of our creation.  That is our 'cause'.  Then we create emotions that put that energy in motion over time and space, directed by the mind.  This is the pattern of creation that is beneath all things.  In order to keep our creation balanced, whole, we must not allow any one direction be in Command.  The commander of our experience must be in the center of the circle, aware of each of the 4 directions and holding balance among them to match the time and place of our manifestation.  


The only thing that matters is the balance between the Apu's and Pachamama.  If there is any conflict, disease, or challenge to our peace, it is that we have allowed the experience to go out of balance.  Healing (wholeness) is always about first bringing balance back.  All of their ceremonies are related to bringing balance back between the Apu's and Pachamama.  We must bring balance back between within ourselves between our absolute spiritual nature and our relative physical experience.  

Sami is ordered energy.  Hucha is free energy (no container).  Balance is ordering the energy.  

**** We all yearn to feel loved and safe.  Feeling love is recognition of our everpresent connection to  spirit (unconditional).  Feeling safe is the container that we build around the energy and then protect as we walk this earthly walk.  

Hermandad Solar:

The path back to Inti (inner sun) is humility.  Man only paid attention / to the symptoms of the diseases we are experiencing, / he did not worry about the causes, / now we investigate / the true nature of things.  / Why? ... / To know and live, / universal harmony!