Sunday, June 16, 2024


When you say you are preparing to share about Pachamama  at the retreat, are you talking about the element of the earth (fire, earth, water, and air), or are you talking about Pachamama as the visible portion of our life on this planet?  

To me the element of earth, and Pachamama, are different but I think most people think of Pachamama as being one of the 4 elements (building blocks) of our planet.  I think the real meaning of Pachamama has gotten lost in the age of Pisces as many things have also gotten lost.  

It helps me to think in terms of the sacred geometry and sacred mathematics beginning with the symbol of the solar brotherhood.  The symbol contains 0 (the circle), 1 (point in center), 2 (split between the triangle and the square), 3 (the triangle), and 4 (the square).  This symbol is the core of the wisdom of Mu that was given to the solar brotherhood to keep.  This is the key to Life, in it's simplest form.  This came directly from Mu and I believe understanding this symbol will help us return to Mu.  

This "sacred" sequence (0, 1, 2, 3, 4) is what we are going back to as we move into the Age of Aquarius and head back to our origin.  During the age of Pisces (and we are still holding this consciousness) we created backwards and the sequence was 4, 3, 2, 1, 0.  We would begin our creation with defining the outcome (physical) and then try to connect the energy to the outcome.   

In the age of Aquarius, we are shifting to begin with the energy (the black sun) and then allowing the outcome to be defined based on the time and place in which we are creating.  In that way, our creations are ALWAYS a full reflection of the Black Sun.  The light is not diminished in any way.  

Understanding the square has been the focus for so long for so many people.  This focus keeps us looking at the symptoms and distracts us from exploring the true cause.  The square are the symptoms.  The triangle is the true cause.  

If we wish to begin exploring the true cause as is talked about in the sacred fire ceremony, we must begin to explore the triangle.  

"Man only paid attention / to the symptoms we are experiencing, / he did not worry about the causes, / now we investigate / the true nature of things.  / Why? ... / To know and live, / universal harmony!"

My view of Pachamama is as one of the points on the triangle. The Apu's are another point. The mind of humanity is the third point. When shamans do healing in the Andes, they are focusing on bringing balance between Pachamama and the Apu's, through the mind. Their offerings and ceremonies are all about establishing a balance between the two before creating from the 4 elements. They go back to cause. It doesn't matter what the symptom is, the healing is achieved by bringing balance back between Pachamama and the Apu's. This then opens up the point and allows the energy of the black sun to flow into this world through whatever we create.

It is time to begin exploring the true nature, the true cause of our existence and of our creation.  It is time to explore the trinity of energies that we balance to form the triangle as the solid foundation for all the "squares" that we create.  Why?  To know and live in universal harmony as we did in Mu.  

At this time we have forgotten the importance of the Triangle, and the only thing that humanity values is the Square.  That is what causes conflict across the world.  

I would love to being exploring Pachamama, the Apu's and the mind of humanity that holds balance (or not) between the two.  I don't think further exploration of the 4 elements is helpful for the path any longer.  I think we must go to the cause and explore the trinity, the triangle of energy that is the true cause of all existence.  

The element "earth" is the container that is created to give form for the energy to flow into.  Understanding how the 4 elements fit into the creation process is important, but if we don't master the energy first, then we will stay in the age of Pisces.  

I don't know if any of this will be helpful for the retreat but I do look forward to sharing thoughts on this in August.  

Much love....