Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Theme for Retreat in Perú August 2024

 First explore the cause, connection, black sun.

Once we are connected, unified, then we can go to the physical exploration and

talk about how that translates into pachamama and our experience


  • exploring cause vs symptoms

  • Sourcing: choosing your cause (Being a conduit for God's Grace - my new tool to trigger my connection)

  • The trinity of divine feminine

  • Sacred laws of creation

  • The change I want to see in the world, sacred action, I want the two sacred laws of creation to be honored in this world, beginning with me.

  • To live life from your heart you must first be at peace in your soul

Search for the energy

Cause vs symptom 

Humility is the path

Drop the walls of pretense and conformity 

Put your weapons down

Dream your future present

Honoring life, means honoring ALL of it. The good, the bad, and the ugly. This is the key to mastering the physical because in truly honoring ALL life, we no longer feel the need to hide and create pretense. No longer feel the need to conform. We see life, and choose death to allow renewal. This feels like a great lesson for me in this moment. I’m dealing with an agent that I do not want to honor. I want to condemn her. The more I judge her, the less of the physical I am mastering. Judgment of myself and/or others separates me from the ability to reflect authenticity into this world. Makes me a victim of the physical, not the master. I think you need to go a step beyond acceptance, and honor all, to achieve mastering. Death to allow renewal means leaving the past in the past so you can create your future in the present. No longer using the past to imprison you. Begin to use the past to inspire you to create what you want.

Things that are up to be resolved:

  • Everything is already known, just not felt/seen, the challenge is most people believe because they know it, that they actually are doing it. They don't see when things are out of alignment. I can't say anything to them because they are holding on so tightly to the pretense. Fear has them trapped. They are not in humility, so no compassion, so not able to be open to see what is brought to them.

  • How do we nurture humility in this world? How do we create the fertile soil to be "defenseless" and stop the judgment which makes us blind?